Looking at the world from other species points of view is a cure for the disease of human self-importance.
Playlist - Nature
If I could reveal anything that is hidden from us, it would be to reveal something that we have forgotten, something that we used to know as well as we knew our own...
Wild animals may have less than a decade left to live, unless we act.
If animals are conscious, then the way we treat them must change.
You may know how wolves change rivers and how whales change climate. Now discover how devils heal forests.
Having a relationship with a wild animal is all about respect. First, you have to know who you are.
Trees don't compete with each other. They are super-cooperators.
When whales were at their historic populations, it seems that whales might have been responsible for removing tens of millions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere...
"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." - John Muir