We help bring your idea, research, or vision to life.

If we want to understand any human behavior, whether individual or collective, we need to attempt to understand their story.

Modern civilization has a story – it is called the story of separation. This story tells us that we are separate from each other, disconnected from the whole, competing for survival, with no inherent purpose beyond surviving and reproducing.

This story is based on faulty assumptions about ourselves and the world and is the root cause of our growing environmental, social, and economic crises.

If we want to change our world, we must first change our story.

Like the organs that cooperate keep our bodies alive, we need to learn to cooperate with each other and the rest of Nature, recognizing the value that each species contributes to a thriving ecosystem.

We create powerful video stories that educate and inspire an interconnected view of the world… Stories like…

Albert Einstein said, “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

When everything in the world has inherent value and purpose, our natural desire is to protect it. All life is sacred.

We are a dedicated husband and wife team that integrates the scientific, rational mind with the intuitive, wise heart, making our videos suitable for any audience.

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We are a dedicated husband and wife team that integrates the scientific, rational mind with the emotional intelligence of our heart and intuition.

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